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Watercolor Society of Indiana

Irina Smulevitch - A Home

Annual WSI Membership Exhibit

  • Saturday, May 10, 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • Saturday, June 14, 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • Eiteljorg Museum, 500 W. Washington, ST., Indianapolis, IN 46204



The Watercolor Society of Indiana Annual Membership Exhibit at The Eiteljorg Museum, 500 W. Washington, Indianapolis, IN, 46204. May 10 to June 14, 2025. Opening Reception May 10, 3:00 PM.

This Membership Exhibit in Indianapolis is open to all current WSI Members and gives each of the participating artists the option to sell their artwork. This is not a Juried Exhibit - all 2025 WSI members are accepted.

Online registration is preferred, but you may mail in the form from the prospectus.  Download the Prospectus Here. *Please do not register until you have your final decision on your painting, name, and price. It creates too much confusion and room for error when requests are made after submission. Thank you very much!



Registration Deadline: Monday, April 7, 2025.

Painting Drop Off Dates: Sunday, May 4, 2025 – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Opening Reception: Saturday, May 10, 2025 – 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Painting Pickup: Sunday, June 15, 2025 – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

REGISTRATION FEE: $20.00 All registrations must be submitted to The Watercolor Society of Indiana, not to the venue. 


All paintings executed and presented in accordance with the rules will be exhibited. Works not adhering to the following specifications will not be exhibited and their entry fees will not be refunded. The decisions of the WSI Membership Show committee are final.

Please read carefully:

  • This is NOT a Juried Exhibit. All skill levels are accepted. 2025 WSI Membership required.
  • All current WSI members may register one watercolor painting for this exhibition.
  • Paintings exhibited in prior juried and membership shows are eligible; however, the same painting may not be shown two years in a row.
  • All entry forms and payments must be received by midnight via the WSI Website or by 5 PM in the WSI office on April 7, 2025; non-registered paintings will not be accepted.
  • All paintings must be the original work of the artist. No copies or prints of paintings or published photographs will be accepted.
  • At least seventy percent (70%) of the entry must be watercolor paint or watercolor gouache paint. The balance of the entry may be acrylic, acrylic gouache, pastel, charcoal, ink and/or collage (e.g., photos, computer art, fabric, metal foil, etc.).
  • Flexibility in surface is allowed (canvas, watercolor board, wood, etc.). All edges must be framed or finished, with no visible staples, nails, or hardware. If submitting an unframed canvas, the outer edges must be painted.
  • For this venue, all work must be less than 42” in any direction.
  •  D-Rings/Strap hangers and hanging wire are required. Sawtooth hangers will not be accepted. The frame must have a strap hanger attached with screws on the back side of each vertical piece of the frame located between 1/3 and 1/4 of the length of the piece from the top of the frame. (See Illustration attached.) If you have questions about this, please contact Chair Ann rose.
  • The painting and frame must have a professional appearance and be free from damage or blemishes. Ensure the painting is clean, ready to hang and in stable condition.
  • A label with the artist’s name, painting title & painting price must be attached to the back side. If not for sale, write "NFS". Please use the attached label: 2025 WSI Label for Eiteljorg.pdf
  • Title and price may not be changed after the entry form has been submitted. Please ensure the title and price on your painting label match your entry form. If there is a discrepancy between the form and the label, the information on the entry form will be used.
  • No paintings may be removed before the end of the show.
  • By participating in the show, artists give WSI and Eiteljorg Museum permission to photograph or video tape their work to be used for educational and publicity purposes online and social media sites.
  • All paintings must be delivered to Eiteljorg Museum between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on May 4th. Contact your Area Representative for delivery if you are unable. Contact Chairperson Ann Rose if special circumstances exist.


Images are not required but will be used in online and printed promotional material. Upload the image with the online registration form. If using an iPhone to photograph, turn off the live feature as it will not upload to the website. Each artist is also encouraged to promote the sale of their painting.

The artist receives 70% of the selling price. All sales are handled through the WSI office. The artist is not responsible for sales tax. Paintings may be NFS. However, if a painting is sold during the exhibit, the commission must be admitted to WSI in good faith. If this painting is sold within 30 days after the exhibit because of being seen at the Eiteljorg, the artist is asked to make a donation to WSI.


Eiteljorg is located on the northside of Washington Street. You may turn into the underground garage entrance but drive straight to the side entrance steps to the museum. WSI workers will be there to unload paintings. pull up to the front and place your hazards on when unloading.

Painting Drop Off Dates: Sunday, May 4, 2025 – between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

Painting Pickup: Sunday, June 15, 2025 – between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

Each painting must be signed in at drop off and signed out at pick up. Out of respect for the venue, membership chair and volunteers, please do not arrive outside of these times. The artist or buyer is responsible for picking up the painting at the designated pick-up time only. If you plan for a volunteer to pick up your painting, you must submit written confirmation to Chairperson Ann Cole Rose prior to June 15th.

Members outside Indianapolis may arrange assistance for delivery or pickup by contacting their WSI Area Representative. Contact information for each representative is available on the WSI website Member Directory and Board of Directors Page. If you do not know who your Area Rep is, look on the Area Map. If any member has difficulty with delivery or pickup dates, please contact the Chair, Ann Rose at 765-265-2971 and we will assist you.


Contact information for each representative is available on the WSI website Member Directory and Board of Directors Page.

Area 1 - Open – rep needed!

Area 2 - Susan Voigt

Area 3 - Susan Semenick

Area 4 - Sheryl Thurston

Area 5 - n/a

Area 6 - n/a

Area 7 - Shirley Woolard

Area 8 – Open – rep needed!

Area 9 - Sandy Hall

Area 10 - Nancy Rairdon

Area 11 - Debi Black


If shipping a painting instead of delivered in person, it must be crated and delivered to the WSI office by 5:00 pm Thursday, May 1, 2025. The WSI office will return unsold paintings in the same packaging in which they were received. The artist must set up an account with FedEx or UPS so that all shipping costs are prepaid. The artist will also be charged a $60 handling and transport fee. If you have a question, please contact the WSI office at (317) 500-2275.


The Watercolor Society of Indiana will exercise diligent and reasonable care, but neither WSI nor Eiteljorg Museum will be responsible for loss or damage to any painting. We recommend getting insurance on your painting if you have concerns. By participating in the show, the artist assumes all risk and agrees to the rules and conditions of this prospectus.


You will be charged $45 if your painting is not picked up at the end of the exhibit. WSI will do its best to offer volunteer help, but you must confirm with WSI if you need assistance. Unclaimed paintings will become WSI property 60 days following the closing of the show.


The Eiteljorg provides free parking in the underground garage for all visitors. Access to the underground garage is off Washington Street. This garage is shared with visitors to the Indiana State Museum. As you drive into the garage you will receive a parking ticket. Please bring this ticket with you to the Eiteljorg. Drive around the garage past the Indiana State Museum. Continue through the garage until you see the underground elevator to the Eiteljorg. The elevator will take you to the main doors of the Eiteljorg. Please ask for a QR code to scan at the exit of the garage.


Contact Membership Exhibit Chair Ann Cole Rose or Executive Director Tanya Roberts with questions via the Membership Directory at Please do not contact the Eiteljorg Museum.


All registrations must be submitted to The Watercolor Society of Indiana. Please go to the WSI website and fill out the online entry form for fastest and most efficient registrations. If you prefer to mail your registration, please use the form below.

This is an incredible opportunity for watercolor artists and supporters. Sponsorship Packages are available. Thank you for supporting art and artists of Indiana!



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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