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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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How to Add Life to Your Landscape with Gayle Weisfield

  • Monday, September 09, 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • Eiteljorg Museum Classrooms, 500 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • 6


  • 2-day Workshop. Supplies not included.
  • 2-day Workshop. Supplies not included.

Registration is closed

How to Add Life to your Watercolor Landscape with Gayle Weisfield from Taos, New Mexico.

September 9 - 10, 2024. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. 

At The Eiteljorg Museum, 500 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. Parking available under the building.

2-day Workshop Price: $175 for WSI Members. $225 for Non-Members. Break for lunch each day.

Join other watercolor artists on a journey as Gayle guides you through creating a landscape painting and creating a story by adding life to your painting. This workshop will take place in the classrooms inside The Eiteljorg Museum. Pack a lunch and snacks, or order food from the Museum Cafe.

Plan on sketching, painting, and group conversation.  This class is for adults, beginner to intermediate level, some painting experience required. 

Day #1. Monday

#1. How to save whites make them important and know where to put them.

#2. value and temperature of cast shadows and shade in the different lighting conditions.

#3. Edges, lost and found plus the wash out to connect to the background.

 #4. Importance of reflected light and contrast.

Day #2. Tuesday

Depth and detail in landscape paintings

#1. Developing a strong structural design

#2. The importance of an underpainting for unity, color harmony, and atmospheric perspective

#3. plus tons more very important things you should know

A third day is offered to advance your painting and skills. See here: Advance Your Landscape with Gayle Weisfield. Day #3. Wednesday

Starts with a full demo followed by each person painting something similar or their own image with hands on advice and critique.

#1. The importance of manmade objects, buildings, or living things in landscape 

#2. Finding resting areas in a busy painting, how to paint them. 

#3. how to critique your own work.

You do not need to go out and buy a bunch of special materials just for this class.  Of course there are some things you can't live without! Good paper, a stretch, fresh pigment and big brushes. I've included a list of supplies that will be helpful.

We will work step by step through the wet in wet process together to learn new secrets and tips to help you master the techniques.


Bring 2 pieces each day of 140 # cold press 100% rag quality watercolor paper. I suggest Saunders or Arches in a 15 by 22 half sheet size, along with a paper stretching method, pads will not work. (drafting board -primed plywood or gator board) slightly larger than paper so you can staple and tape your paper down. Or if you prefer you can bring two half sheets of 300# paper for each day. We may not use them all but better safe than sorry.  


Bring all of your favorite colors. We will be usings fresh color straight from tubes as well as the pallet you use in the studio. Be sure you have colors for mixing good darks. (Burnt sienna + ultra marine blue or veridian+ quack red) whatever darks you like best, your choice.


Brushes: A variety of flat and round the larger the better!

·        1” to 1-1/2” flat is the work horse.  No use for smaller than 1/4” flat

·        Long rigger and dagger, for sticks, grass or to sign your name

·        Round #10, 12 or bigger if you have them.

·        A big 2” to 3” wash brush to wet you paper is helpful.

·        Stiff toothbrush, large soft makeup duster if you have one.

·        pallet knife

·        bring your favorites, just leave the teeny tiny one’s home.


The Other Stuff

Sketch book, paper towels, water dish, drawing stuff, the regular tools. Plus 2 small white cups, bowls, or ramekin to mix larger washes in.

I’ll bring images for us to work from if you are in the 3rd day master class. You can bring your own image or work from mine. We are going for landscapes with buildings and depth.

I look forward to meeting everyone.


Learn More about Gayle! Watch this interview: . Visit these websites: , .


Artist Gayle Weisfield is a featured in the "Quest for the West" Exhibit at the Eiteljorg Museum. During her stay, The Watercolor Society will host a private tour and meet-n-greet with Gayle on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Artist Talk with Gayle Weisfield, Quest for the West Exhibitor

*Workshops do not include supplies. Each instructor will send their supply list to students. 

*If you are not able to attend, you may send someone in your place. No cancellations within 2 weeks of workshop start date. Thank you! 



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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