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Watercolor Society of Indiana

Irina Smulevitch - A Home

Earth Day Celebration with 50 organizations, including WSI!

  • Sunday, April 23, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Jewish Community Center, 6701 Hoover Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46260


Registration is closed

FREE EVENT! The Watercolor Society of Indiana has a booth where each guest gets to paint an Earth Day Bookmark in their own unique design. The celebration takes place on the front lawn and parking lot of the Jewish Community Campus. Rain or shine; pets on leashes are welcome!

HELP NEEDED! Karen Fehr and Tanya Roberts are the only volunteers signed up to help. We expect over 1000 guests at our booth between Noon and 4:00 pm. Tear down is 4:00 to 5:00 pm.  If you can help for an hour or two between Noon and 5:00 pm, please email Thank you!


  • Earth-friendly organizations with interactive demonstrations and hands-on Earth Day activities centered around sustainability and going green.
  • Arts & Crafts. Be sure to stop by The Watercolor Society of Indiana's booth!
  • Family yoga featuring animal- and nature-themed poses! 1-2 pm.
  • Petting zoo.
  • Farmers Market 
  • Beer, wine, and Food Trucks.
  • Musical entertainment.
  • Giveaways from the Indianapolis Colts.
  • and more!

    Please note the celebration is not on the nationally designated day of April 22, but on Sunday, April 23. Over 5,000 people of all backgrounds and faiths are expected to stop by and celebrate sustainability and going green. To see a complete list of all the vendors and free activities, visit

    This event is part of WSI's mission for Community Outreach and Education. Hope to see you there!




    Watercolor Society of Indiana

    Mailing Address:

    4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
    Indianapolis, IN 46240 

    Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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