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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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"Portraits" 4-Day Workshop with Ken Call, AWS, NWS

  • Tuesday, July 05, 2022
  • 9:00 AM
  • Second Presbyterian Church, 7700 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260


  • Discounted Price for Current WSI Members

Watercolor - All Levels Download this description and supply list here: Ken Call Workshop Description July 2022.pdf

July 5-8, 2022. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. Break for lunch. 4-day Workshop Price: $400 for 2022 WSI Members. $460 for Non-Members. 

Learn to paint dynamic, colorful, figures and portraits under the guidance of an accomplished expert. Based on an intimate dance of light and color, Ken will show you how to bring your paintings to life while using your own personal vision and experiences. Comprehensive portrait and figure painting will be featured in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. You will have the opportunity to work with your own personal favorite subject matter as well as reference photos provided by the instructor. One day during the week, you will work with a live model (clothed/draped).  The live model session is designed to help you work faster, capture gesture, and distill the subject matter down to simple elements.  Ken will show how easy it is to draw/paint from a live subject.

There will be daily demos and plenty of one-on-one instruction for all who desire. At the end of each day, you will have the opportunity to share your work with Ken and the class for review and discussion.

Ken has achieved signature status in AWS, NWS, MTWS, MOWS, IWS along with becoming a TWSA Master in 2017. He has won numerous awards including twenty Best in Shows, and his work has been featured in Watercolor Artist and American Artist Watercolor.

“Starting in art school and all thru my early years as an illustrator I was encouraged to paint in many different mediums and styles. I tried them all but, in the end, I settled on watercolor. The spontaneity and flow just fit my personality and style. What I look for and strive to achieve can only be captured in this wonderful medium. The beautiful play of light and shadows, especially on and around the human figure, is what draws me in and gives me my inspiration.”


WSI workshops are held at the Second Presbyterian Church (7700 N. Meridian Street, Indy 46260) in Indianapolis, IN.  This is a very large church with wonderful accommodations – and plenty of parking.  We suggest you use some kind of rolling cart to carry in your supplies (as you will have to walk from the large parking lot into the church, take an elevator, and go down a hallway to arrive at the workshop space).  We will have some rolling carts available to help when you arrive (but we don’t have enough for everyone).

Each artist will have their own 8-foot table and plenty of room to safely social distance.  All demos can be viewed on large screen monitors from your table, or you can pull your chair up close to see Ken as he paints.  All demos are played back during the workshop for viewing again – so you can capture a technique after the demo is complete.  To get a sense of the room and space, you can look on our website for pictures of our past workshops. Truly, you will be impressed with the space, cleanliness, light, and technology offered at Second Presbyterian church (a wonderful partner and supporter of the arts).

You will have access to a refrigerator and kitchen area to store your lunch or snacks.  WSI provides coffee, tea, and water (participants are encouraged to bring snacks to share with the group).  Daily, someone will pick up lunch orders at MacAlisters (about a mile from our workshop location).  Menus will be provided – we ask that you call & order your lunch for pickup and our volunteer will bring it to you.

·       Check out the workshop location:

·       Check out the Food Menu at:  McAlister's Deli Park Meridian | Deli Restaurant & Sandwich Shop Near Me (

·       Previous workshop pictures:  Watercolor Society of Indiana - Workshops

Ken Call - Materials List - Here is a list of the paints, brushes, paper etc. that Ken will be using. Whatever you bring, just make sure that it is of good quality.

Paper: At this time Ken uses 300 lb. arches cold or hot press. Any weight that you are most comfortable with should do just fine. If your paper requires stretching, it might be a good idea to do beforehand. Please bring enough paper for you to complete at least 4 paintings and extra for redo’s. You can trim them to any size you feel comfortable working with.

Paint: Ken almost exclusively uses Winsor and Newton. However, has recently discovered Daniel Smith and M. Graham. Just be sure your paints are professional grade. Following is a list of Winsor and Newton colors I use: 

·       Yellow Ochre

·       Cad. Yellow

·       Cad. Red

·       Burnt Sienna

·       Alizarin Crimson

·       Burnt Umber

·       Raw Umber

·       Winsor Green

·       Cerulean Blue

·       Ultramarine Blue

·       Winsor Violet

·       Olive Green

·       Sap Green

Brushes: Please bring a variety of sizes of brushesspecifically half inch and one-inch flats. An even larger flat for large areas will also come in handy. I use mostly flats for my paintings and smaller rounds for details.

Misc:  Bring the supplies you use most often, Ken suggests:

·       Water container

·       paper towels

·       mixing palette

·       spray bottle

·       tape

·       gator board, tabletop easel (or other support) if you prefer not to paint flat (helps support your work)

·       Pencils and eraser

Bring Artwork:

Please bring some finished art for me to look at with you. Anything that you want to show me and perhaps critique is highly recommended. I hope this helps! If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me

Portraits by Ken Call - Portraits by Ken Call (



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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