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In My Opinion...January 2021 by Pat Grabill

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 8:46 AM | Tanya Roberts (Administrator)

Happy New Year!!!!  I posted a Bitmoji instead of a painting this time because it's winter, and I don't paint "winter" (because I really don't like winter), and I figured it was too early for a beach painting.  But maybe not.  Maybe a beach painting next month.

Speaking of painting--I would love to see what you--fellow painters--have been working on during this long, long, long pandemic.  Have you created a masterpiece?  I'd share mine, but I don't have one.  Yet.  But I'm thinking about it.  You can't post your work as yet on the WSI website (although that is something planned for the future), but I can post your masterpiece for you on the FB page if you post there.  Or you can send me one of your masterpieces via email.  You have my email.  It's in the membership book. 

In addition, have you made any new art discoveries during this time?  New paints?  Paper?  Canvases?  New organizations?  I'd love to hear about them, and I'm sure everyone else would, too.  I belong to a Facebook group called "Watercolor Techniques and Tips," which my friend John DeCoursey recommended, and I enjoy hearing from other painters and seeing what they're doing.  It's a closed group, (like our FB page) and you have to be approved to join, but it's fun to hear about what others are creating.  There are over 20,000 members from all over the world!!  Look it up on Facebook.

Speaking of joining, have you checked out Dale Popovich's two-day February Zoom workshop?  The fee is reasonable, and his work is gorgeous.  Here is the link:

$100 (for members; $150 for non-members) for a two-day Zoom workshop with Dale sounds like a really good deal to me.  Even if we can't GO to a workshop we can still learn from the best. 

Another "bestie" artist who has done workshops here in Indy for WSI is Don Andrews.  He's offering a three-hour webinar on January 26, and the webinar will remain available for one month so people can go back and work at their own pace.  The cost?  $35.  I signed up.  I've taken classes with Andrews before, and really enjoyed them, so I decided that I'd spend three+ more hours with him.  Here's a link:

Just my thoughts as we begin a new year, which I certainly hope will be SO much better than the previous year.  I wish you health, happiness, and masterpieces in 2021.

But that's just my opinion.




Watercolor Society of Indiana

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