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Watercolor Society of Indiana

Irina Smulevitch - A Home

In My Opinion...July 2021 by Pat Grabill

Monday, July 19, 2021 5:18 PM | Tanya Roberts (Administrator)

When I was still teaching high school and operating on a school-year schedule (NORMAL school-year schedule, not pandemic school year schedule), the Fourth of July would roll around, and, inevitably, people would ask me, "Are you ready to go back to school?  Ready to start a new school year?"  I'd get a bit snarly when people asked me that because--Really?--it's July 4 and you want me to go back to school already?  What are you, jealous? Those days, of course, are over, but I am reminded that the warm July days are truly precious times, and we need to take the time to enjoy the  month, whether we have to go back to school or not. 

The photo above is one I took two days ago from the window of the house we are renting on Lake Michigan in Leland, Michigan.  It's family reunion time for our small immediate family before our son and his wife leave to take a job in England.  We are enjoying our time together because it will be a while before we can do it again.  By this autumn, we will have family members on three continents!  This time is precious to us.

What are YOU doing to conserve your precious time with people and things you love?  I brought my travel WC paints with me and some photos and some WC paper and a sketch book, and I've started to draw and prepare to paint a watercolor from a photo I took of my husband sitting on a bench on the property and looking at a sunset on the lake. (He doesn't know I took the photo).

 I am constantly impressed by the quality of work produced by our members--and everyone keeps getting better and better.  I've heard great things about the Paul Jackson workshop just completed.  Some of you have posted your paintings from the workshop on our WSI Facebook page, and the paintings are gorgeous.  I know that Jackson specializes in teaching "Dramatic Light & Luminosity in Watercolor," and from what I've seen, those of you who took the workshop learned your lessons well.

I look forward to seeing the Juried Show, which, I am sure, will be excellent because of the talent of the artists accepted into the show.  I hope to see you there.

Keep painting and drawing and creating.  Don't be discouraged if you didn't get into a show you entered because the entries are chosen by one judge who has very difficult decisions to make when entries are defined by available space.  I wouldn't have wanted to be Paul Jackson and judge our show!  What a difficult task.

I wish you a lovely warm July and summer inspirations for your paintings and drawings.  Paint beautiful things that will make you (and maybe someone else) happy.

But that's just my opinion.




Watercolor Society of Indiana

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