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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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In My Opinion...June 2021 by Pat Grabill

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 6:22 PM | John O'Connor (Administrator)

Oops!  It's past the middle of June already, and I'm just getting around to placing my thoughts on paper to share with you.  I bet you wondered, "Where is Pat's blog for this month?  I was hoping to read it."  No?  You didn't even notice?  Well, your homework now is that you have to read it. 

Continuing with the music from Broadway shows that has been running through my brain these past few months, June really IS "bustin' out all over."  Thank you, Rodgers and Hammerstein and Carousel.  The long winter that we thought would never end finally did.  Spring arrived.  Now summer.  Masks sometimes or not.  Sadly, over 600,000 Americans have so far lost their lives to this pandemic.  I'm grateful that I haven't.  And I know that you haven't, or you wouldn't be reading this, and I'm grateful for that, too. 

Congratulations to those of you who entered and were accepted into the Juried Show.  I've seen the photos of the paintings online through the WSI home page, and the collection is truly gorgeous.  I can't wait to see the show itself. 

You know what I wish one of you would do?  I wish someone would come up with a list of juried shows in Indiana and the Midwest that watercolor painters can enter.  Doesn't there have to be a list like that somewhere?  I've googled and searched but haven't found as much information as I had hoped.   

If you live in Hamilton County, Indiana, here's a juried show you CAN enter, and your entry can be oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel--whatever your fine-art medium is.  Here's the information for you:  Watercolor/acrylic/oil artist Jerry Smith will judge the juried show, and if you'd like to see his work, here are some examples:  

That's all for now.  I have to dismember the fresh strawberry pie I made today for my sweet husband and lovely granddaughter. 

As always, paint beautiful things--and think loving thoughts. 

But that's just my opinion. 




Watercolor Society of Indiana

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4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

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