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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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In My Opinion...May 2021 by Pat Grabill

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 3:11 PM | John O'Connor (Administrator)

OK, all of you Lerner and Loewe Camelot fans, sing along with me:  “Tra la, it’s May, the lusty month of May–That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray….”  Now that we’ve come through a year and a pandemic that none of us will ever forget, I wish you a “blissfully” wonderful month of May.  Whether it’s lusty or not is really none of my business.

For the first time in quite a while, I did not attend the Membership show and luncheon, but people who did attend tell me they had a wonderful time.  I love that Tanya sent the Juried Show entry images to all of us so we can see the work submitted even if we couldn’t be there.  What beautiful paintings from so many talented members!  Congratulations to everyone who submitted their art for taking the time during difficult times to produce such lovely work.

There are some things that provide comfort for me during difficult times.  One of them is a loving family.  It’s nice to see when one’s children are grown that all the hard parenting work was worth it.  This parent stuff, I think, is both the most important and most difficult job I’ve ever had, and I am grateful for it. 

My dog comforts me.  He’s a stinker sometimes, but I am the most important person in his life.  Everyone needs to be adored by someone or something, and I have my dog–and on really good days, I have my sweet husband, too. 

And I have my room where I can go and paint.  I have everything I need there–paper, paint, space to move around, and doors that I can close when I don’t want anyone to see the mess.  I put my headphones on and listen to music or to a Podcast, and I think and work, and I enjoy the solitude.  I have a bird feeder outside my studio window, and hungry creatures take advantage of the seeds I leave for them.  If anyone tells you that you “eat like a bird,” it’s not a compliment.  Those birds at the feeder eat constantly, and I watch them as I ponder what to paint next. 

Even in difficult times the arts bring joy to our lives–music, art, a really great movie, a wonderful book, amazing theater–all have the power to help us get through tough times, and to appreciate the good times.

Thanks for spending a few minutes with me on this blissful May day.  Now go paint beautiful things–and know that all of this is just…

In My Opinion




Watercolor Society of Indiana

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